Wheatland Union High School Class of 1966
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Wheatland Union High School Class of 1966 - Reunions
Reunion Galleries
  • Past Reunion Photos
  • Reunion Photos 06-07

  • Links
  • Newsletter 1996
  • 20-yr reunion group photo
  • 30-yr reunion photos
  • Our FACEBOOK page

  • Reunion Contacts
  • Bopp, Steve

  • Have you received your reunion registration form yet?

    If you still need a form send a note to Steve: stevebopp2007@yahoo.com

    Reunion Information

    Stay tuned here for the latest updates!

    *We are on FACEBOOK*
    This is a link to our FACEBOOK page. Your friends are there already!
    <a href='https://www.facebook.com/groups/WUHSCLASS66/'> https://www.facebook.com/groups/WUHSCLASS66/</a>


    June 1st NEWS

    SAVE THE DATES! September 30, October. 1, Oct. 2, is our 50th reunion. We have a small committee working on the plans. Our main get-together will be Saturday, Oct. 1st. Stay tuned for more info.


    Feb. 3, 2016 ***** A Note from STEVE BOPP *****

    CALLING ALL CLASS OF 1966 - including FACULTY
    Pls take a few minutes to fill out the SURVEY FORM (at our Poll Booth on this site) to let the Reunion Committee what you want, when you want it and where you want it to be held.

    Some of you have already done so - THANK YOU

    If we don't receive your input, we will make decisions based on the 'majority' of those received.

    Chris and I have spoken to many of our classmates in the past year, always encouraging each of you to join both of our sites: FACEBOOK and this site - http://wuhs66.com . Yesterday I sent emails to all 37 of our senior class that have email accounts (hoping of course that they are still current). I will be doing the same to each person on our master list. Please don't be offended if you receive 2 or even 3 repetitions from me. Like you, I just want to make sure that everyone knows and can/will make a concerned effort to take part.

    For whatever reason you may not have attended a previous reunion, I hope that the long years past will erase bad memories and that family obligations such as kids, jobs, education, etc will no
    longer be an obstacle.

    If you are interested in joining the Committee, please let Chris Bare and I know soonest. We welcome all the help we can get. We want this to be what we have all been waiting for!!

    We are all in our 60's; we survived the 60's; and we have experienced more significant changes in our lifetimes than (m)any other decade in recent history. We should be happy just to still be here; many of our friends and classmates are not as fortunate. Our reunion will definitely be a CELEBRATION of LIFE.

    ALL of your suggestions are welcome.
    Thank you and hope to see you there. Steve (stevebopp2007@yahoo.com)


    ***********April 28, 2015***********
    Several classmates were in town recently to say "good bye" to Harry Robinson. It was the perfect time to discuss our upcoming *50th* class reunion. We need volunteers to step up to help make it a success. Please let us know if you'd like to help with the event. If you have suggestions, please send us a note. Our reunion won't happen without your help.

    Join us on our Facebook page if you haven't already.
    A few new photos have already been added.

    On this site, check our 'Contact Classmates' section to make sure your information is up-to-date. Post a comment on the 'Message Board' or 'Guest Book' section. Do you have information on someone we have not yet found?

    We'd love to hear from you. Keep in contact with your former classmates. Send a note to someone on the list. We need your help to make our 50th class reunion the best one yet.

    Let's keep in touch!
    Steve Bopp stevebopp2007@yahoo.com & Chris Bogdanoff Bare


    Update February 25, 2014

    REUNION 2016.....
    I have finally retired and now have (more) time to get involved with my/our classmates. Chris Bare and I are beginning to contact our classmates to get up-to-date contact information so we don't leave anyone out when 2016 rolls around. Yes, it is early but these things take a lot of time (as we noticed before.) We want to make sure everyone gets a chance to be involved in the 'when, where and what' we do for the 50th. If you would pls send your contact information to Chris or I, it would be much appreciated.

    ALSO - we would like you to contact EVERYONE you know from any of our years (62-66) so we may include them. This does not mean that we will exclude other classes (if that's the consensus) but it is IMPORTANT that the REUNION represents each and everyone one of US! Of course we would appreciate any ideas YOU may have and you can send them to us -

    OR BETTER YET - post them on our site on FBook for all to see.


    I don't think we are limited, or should be, limited to any previous guidelines; we'll do what/how we want since this may be the last time many of us will be able to attend. PLEASE LET'S ALL PARTICIPATE.

    You can begin of course, by contacting classmates who are not a part of this site or our Classmates web. Get them to subscribe and/or participate. For any of you who missed other reunions (me included) you cannot make up for that. I'm sure that like myself, you always wonder what you missed and for whatever reason you didn't attend, wish you had...... Don't let it happen again!

    We are all TOO OLD (even if we don't admit it) to be shy, hold grudges, remember most of what we did or thought, and have changed so significantly (whether we like ourselves or not) that others may not even remember us, then or now! Seriously, except for those of you who may not be able to attend for other reasons, I am sorry. But for those of you who CAN but choose NOT TO, please reconsider. At least give US your contact information - you may just change your mind.

    I do hope hope you are all well and enjoying the aging process (no, I'm not enjoying it; but, it does beat the alternative!). I have finally retired and am living in Phoenix. I would like ALL of you to know that whenever you are close, or you just want to visit, please feel free to contact me. I would truly love to see you all again. I can be contacted at: stevebopp2007@yahoo.com or (915) 342-3580

    TKS, Steve

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